
Brief News- Obama Trades in Nobel Prize for Noble Prize_6418

Brief News: Obama Trades in Nobel Prize for Moncler Outlet Noble canada goose sale Prize Washington, DC-Late Wednesday afternoon, United States President Barack Obama arrived at the Nobel for Noble Pawn Shop at the corner of 8th and U streets NW in the hope of trading in his coveted Nobel Peace Prize for a Noble Warrior Prize. Founded in 1902 in rebuttal to the Nobel Peace Prize, canada goose parka the Noble Warrior Prize was designed to give honor to those men and women who displayed a valiant commitment to practicing the art of Louis Vuitton Outlet USA war. It was eventually dissolved balenciaga outlet canada goose parka in 1998, but remnants from its 96-year history remain scattered in pawnshops throughout the country. "Though most people look disfavorably Louis Vuitton Shoes on canada goose parka war, I think it's the tops," Obama told reporters, while rummaging through the shop. "Anybody can be a harbinger of peace, Louis Vuitton USA but it takes a really special person to be a harbinger of death, doom, and destruction." The Nobel Peace Prize ended up being worth so much that Obama was able to trade it in for a Noble Warrior Prize in addition to a Blu-ray player, a large-screen HDTV, and a basketball autographed by Michael Jordan. "Peace! louis vuitton outlet Huh - yeah, what is it good for?" Obama sang while exiting the store. "Absolutely nothing." He continued, "Uh-huh!" Moral of the story: I found Obama's speech on Wednesday at Georgetown University in Washington, DC to be very humbling! Right on, Prez'!


An Evaluation of Daylight Saving Time_11600

An Evaluation of Daylight Saving Time A Lack of Efficiency Time is not a constant. In the United States, time is set according to one's geographical location and often is adjusted with the changing of seasons in fall and spring. In spring, time is moved forward as Americans set their clocks one hour ahead. In fall, time is adjusted as Americans rewind their clocks an hour, losing one hour of daylight in the evenings. The intent is to provide for more hours in the day when natural light can be used. The practice of Daylight Saving Time has been around for centuries. However, during the course of its practice, it has undergone several major adjustments to its guidelines. DST is a policy that is followed in many countries around the world. First implemented as an energy-saving resource, it is utilized across the globe in efforts to conserve energy and save money; yet the policy has few significant benefits today. When it comes to Louis Vuitton Outlet the practice of Daylight Saving Time, the negative results of the policy far outweigh the benefits and it is easy to support abolishing the unneeded and ineffective policy. While initially showing very promising results in the world-wide efforts to conserve energy, as demands for energy have increased with developments in technology, DST is now more of a nuisance than a resource. Today, following DST does far more harm than it does good. Also, studies are increasingly showing that DST actually increases energy demand and usage rather than conserving it. The problems caused by DST are extensive and abundant; and, the majority of the projected benefits of the policy are currently unseen. Defining Daylight Saving Time Daylight Saving Time is not a new invention. It has been around for centuries, developing and changing in all areas of the world. The concept of Daylight Saving Time was first invented in New Zealand. It trickled down to the United States after several years. In the 19th century, New Zealand naturalist, George Vernon Hudson, composed his thoughts Louis Vuitton Outlet on the adoption of a two-hour seasonal clock shift in two published papers (Pavlus, 2010). His ideas led to the development of the new policy, Daylight Saving Time, which was a plan to conserve daylight hours. Through implementing this policy, humanity would be able to take full advantage of the daylight hours, reducing the demand for artificial light. He rationalized that this shift would enable the world to fully-utilize the long days of summer (Pavlus, 2010). In Paris, the famed American inventor and a member of the Royal Astronomical Society, Benjamin Franklin had formed his own ideas of how to maximize daylight hours. He satirically wrote "An Economical Project" to explain his thoughts on the issue, which was published in Journal de Paris (Prerau 2005, p. 32). His plans were not perceived as very rational, and were even considered to be a joke. In his plan, Franklin explained that the municipalities could restrict people's activity by taxing shutters to keep out sunlight, regulate and restrict the number of candles permitted per household, place restrictions on the movement of coaches at night, and even begin ringing bells and sounding canons at dawn to wake the citizens (Aldridge 1956, p. 26) His proposition for such drastic changes were his consideration of efforts that could be taken to convince people to begin to wake earlier, go to sleep earlier, and to fully maximize the hours where natural light was available. This would in turn conserve resources and alter work schedules accordingly. The actual plan still followed today, which calls for moving the clocks to fall back one hour in fall and to spring forward one hour in spring, is credited to Englishman, William Willett. The homebuilder and fellow acquaintance of the Royal Astronomical Society came up with the idea in 1905, claiming that both the wealthy and lower classes would benefit (Prerau 2005, pp. 32-33). People would not have to spend as much money on candles and coal. The concept of DST was quickly adopted in European countries and soon spread throughout the world. Europe and Russia had adopted the idea by 1918 and the United States was quick to follow (Pavlus, 2010). How Daylight Saving Time Came to the U.S. A collaboration of Hudson, Franklin, and Willet's ideas evolved into what is known today in the United States as Daylight Saving Time. The first practices of this policy in the United States were during times of war. World War I was the first time that the United States tried out the energy-conserving plan. This policy was considered to be a beneficial way to conserve much needed war resources. Robert Garland of Pittsburgh was very influential in securing the introduction and passage of DST as a practiced-policy in the U.S. (Columbia, 2010). He pressed the issue, did research, and presented a promising argument. President Wilson signed the act, establishing DST in the United States on March 31, 1918 (Columbia, 2010). Daylight Saving Time can be defined as a man-made concept that places restraints on time. This policy creates an artificial clock-time difference that is in total opposition to Sir Sanford Fleming's goal of a world time system (De Rosa, 2010). The regulation of DST originated under the observation of the Interstate Commerce Commission (National Geographic 2009). However, with the Uniform Time Act of 1966, the job was given to another area of government. The Department of Transportation was appointed by Congress to oversee DST (National Geographic 2009). "Congress ordered the transportation agency to 'foster and promote widespread and uniform adoption and observance of the same standard of time' within and throughout each such standard time zone," (National Geographic 2009). Louis Vuitton Outlet Store The Department of Transportation has the responsibility of regulation because it is also responsible for setting time zones in the United States and therefore, DST is essentially a part of that job role. America's first instance of a winter season with shorter daylight hours was brought into practice in 1918 as "an act to preserve daylight and provide standard time for the U.S." (Richardson, 2010). Daylight Saving Time was not a permanent addition to the United States initially. The policy was first repealed after World War I, and was later re-established on a year-to-year basis upon the declaration of World War II (Columbia 2010). The initial practice of DST was utilized only surrounding war times, and was typically eliminated during national periods of peace. During episodes where the United States was at peace, resources were not in such elevated demand and the necessity to conserve said resources was not of high concern. During the stage between its revoke and restoration, DST was a local option (Richardson 2010). Locales were permitted to observe DST as they felt necessary, but there was no mandate requiring any location to do so. Often times, a state would have half of its cities abiding with the DST policy, and the other half preferring not to participate. DST as a local option led to significant perplexity and confusion between inter-relating communities with a constantly changing discrepancy of time from place-to-place. In 1966, Daylight Saving Time was changed from a local option to being adopted as a nationwide policy. The Uniform Time Act made DST a permanent fixture among the laws of the United States (Richardson, 2010). "By 1966, some 100 million Americans were observing Daylight Saving Time through Louis Vuitton Outlet Store their own local laws and customs," (Aldrich 2009). However, not all states chose to accept the law. States were permitted under the Uniform Time Act of 1966 to opt out from enforcing the policy (Spotts, 2010). Arizona, Hawaii, and Indiana all opted out (Columbia, 2010). However, Indiana was not fully against the policy. Due to a lack of regulations surrounding the policy, some counties within the state followed DST, while others did not. However, in 2006, the state finally instituted the policy statewide, eliminating the confusion from county to county (Choi, 2009). Along with the many changes in the regulation of DST, the policy would soon be restricted so that states would, as a whole entity, have to decide to follow DST or to abstain from it. During Richard Nixon's time as president, DST underwent yet another significant change in its scheduling. In 1973, President Nixon extended the policy all the way to January for two years, until the public revolted and the April start date had to be restored (Richardson, 2010). Finally, the schedule of DST was made permanent in 1987, when the United State's legislation established that the time frame for DST would be from the first Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October (Columbia, 2010). For more than a decade, DST was set according to this precedent. However, just a few years ago, in 2005, DST underwent yet another adjustment. The fixed time was extended from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November: a policy that went into effect in 2007 (Columbia, 2010). This Energy Policy Act of 2005 was feared to severely impact electric utilities since companies that used time-of-use meters could potentially have to spend millions of dollars reprogramming their meters (Prerau 2005, p. 32). "Enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 did not alter the rights of the states and territories to choose not to observe Daylight Saving Time," (Aldrich 2009). Daylight Saving Time is not specific to the United States. Many other countries around the world practice some form of the policy. However, across the globe, the policy of adjusting time to maximize daylight hours is known by many different names. For instance, in Germany, the policy is called known as Sommerzeit, which translates into "summertime" (Pavlus, 2010). China, Japan, and the Canadian providence of Saskatchewan do not participate in DST (De Rosa, 2010). There are only 70 out of an existing 192 countries that practice the policy (De Rosa, 2010). Time through Time Time-keeping did not become organized until after the invention of the railroad. "In 1883, the U.S. railroad industry established official time zones with a set standard time within each zone," (National Geographic 2009). Until this change in the 1800s, time was set from location-to-location. Each village often had its own time zone, operating according to clocks that were synchronized in rhythm to the local solar moon (Temescu, 2009). The abundant amount of time zones led to significant confusion, especially for those traveling. Bill Mosley of the U.S. Department of Transportation called it "a crazy quilt of time, times zones, and time usage," (National Geographic 2009). One-hour time zones came to be in the United States in 1918 which were measured against Greenwich Mean Time Louis Vuitton Outlet Store (Spotts 2010). Today, time zones exist based on location: Central Time, Standard Time, Eastern/ Pacific Time. However, these time zones are set according to region, rather than city-to-city. There is one time setting that is set and referenced by many for ensuring the accuracy of all time settings. The Standard- Coordinated Universal Time is set according to atomic clocks, as opposed to being based on the length of one rotation of the earth (Spotts, 2010). This time is set at the United States Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C. (National Geographic 2009). Those in the International Space Station use the UTC, on account of constantly changing location and hemispheres (Spotts, 2010). The Utilization of Daylight Savings Time This policy of alternating time was enacted on a foundation of conserving energy and other vital, non-renewable resources. Energy usage patterns have changed over time, particularly as air-conditioning and household electronics have become more all-encompassing (Choi, 2009). Also, with advances in technology, more energy is used on a daily basis on things like televisions, computers, and other household electronics. Implemented as a beneficial addition to policy to conserve resources and even save people money, Daylight Savings Time was put to use more than once but upon its permanent implementation, the efforts to conserve energy have been felt across the entire world. The first comprehensive study to evaluate its effectiveness was during balenciaga outlet the oil crisis of the 1970s. During this time, the United States Department of Transportation carried out a study that found daylight saving cut-down on national electricity usage by one percent, in comparison to standard time (Choi, 2009). One study, by the United States Department of Energy, found that the demand for electricity actually dropped during Daylight Saving Time. The study showed that demand dropped for 0.5 percent, which translates to the amount of approximately three million barrels of oil (Temescu, 2009). Intergovernmental Relations in Terms of Time As mentioned earlier, the observance of Daylight Saving Time was not always standardized throughout the country. Initially, some villages chose to observe DST, while others chose to abstain from the policy. This posed a serious conflict. National industries, like broadcasting, railways, airlines, and bus companies, relied on customers who followed schedules (Prerau 2005, p. 36). With locations constantly changing times due to following or not following DST, new schedules were constantly in production. Today, despite being a nationally-adopted policy, some states still choose not to follow DST. For instance, Arizona and Hawaii still choose to not follow DST (Columbia, 2010). Also, the American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands are all United States territories that do not comply with DST (Gurevitz 2005). While DST is a national policy, adopted under the Uniform Time Act of 1966, states do have the option of opting out (Spotts, 2010). However, the state must either be completely involved or completely opt out. DST enactment is required to be statewide and the state must use the Standard National DST period (Prerau 2005, p. 37). This restriction helps to regulate time and ensure continuity throughout the country. Time zones are set, based on region in the United States. However, with Arizona and Hawaii not following Daylight Savings Time, these states essentially are their own time zone during the period when the rest of the nation is following DST. Throughout the history of DST, different local customs and laws resulted in the need for new schedules to be produced each time a state or town decided to institute or end DST (Prerau 2005, p. 36). This is still a current issue. This has the potential to cause confusion, especially for people traveling from state to state, as well as for those industries listed above that are time-sensitive and set to schedules. The Benefits Daylight Saving Time was invented as a way for people to conserve resources, especially electricity. It was originally thought that through the establishment of such guidelines, people would not have to use any artificial light until later in the evenings, fully maximizing the sunlight (Prerau 2005, p. 32). There are many benefits that were projected. As a result of DST, it was expected that there would be a reduction in traffic fatalities, cuts in crime, economic activity would increase, and there would be a widespread promotion of public health (Prerau 2005, p. 32). Also, DST was projected to help with the environment in more ways than just conserving energy. At the time of its promotion, it was assumed that with less coal being required for the production of gas and electric lighting, there would be less smoke to pollute the atmosphere (Prerau 2005, pp. 32-33). During its revision in Congress in the late 1980s, advantages noted included "more daylight outdoor playtime for the children and youth of our Nation, greater utilization of parks and recreation areas, expanded economic opportunity through extension of daylight hours to peak shopping hours.." (National Geogrpahic 2009). However, documented results are inconclusive to prove that DST is providing any relief and conservation and meeting any of the projected benefits that were part of the initial institution. The intentions behind the idea are great, but the evidence only supports minimal benefits actually resulting. In 1975, the Department of Transportation evaluated the plan of extending DST and found that benefits were minimal (Gurevitz 2005). Following this report, the National Bureau of Standards was asked to review the results. The NBS presented a report to the United States Congress in April 1976, evaluating the report by the Department of Transportation. In "Review and Technical Evaluation of the DOT Daylight Saving Time Study," NBS reported that there were no significant energy savings or differences in traffic fatalities (Gurevitz 2005). However, other research has shown conflicting results. "Research has shown that more available daylight does decrease the number of traffic accidents, traffic fatalities, and incidences of crime," (National Geographic 2009). Estimates about the decrease in traffic fatalities seem to be the most significant benefit of DST. "The Department of Transportation estimated that 50 lives were saved and about 2,000 injuries were prevented in March and April of the study years. The department also estimated that $28 million was saved in traffic accident costs," (Aldrich 2009). DST is used as a yearly reminder for safety. "The National Fire Protection Association and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recommend that consumers change the battery in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors when we change the clocks for Daylight Savings Time," (Aldrich 1995). The Downfalls Research has repeatedly shown that Daylight Saving Time is not achieving its desired benefits. Based on time settings, the negative effects on the world's ecology is just one of the downsides to DST. Diurnal and nocturnal flora and fauna are being confused due to excessively lighting up the sky during the night hours (De Rosa, 2010). This is obviously an extreme issue in urban areas, where the cities are well-lit all throughout the night. However, this is also a serious problem in rural areas, especially on farms. It can be difficult to follow the sun and change clocks and livestock does not adjust their biological clocks according to DST (Prerau 2005, p. 32). This argument stems from the rationale that time should be set according to the natural progression of night and day, based on the sun's movement. Midnight should be when the sun is lowest in the sky, which should naturally be the middle of human sleep time; and noon should be when the sun is at its highest and should be the middle of the day (De Rosa, 2010). In order for DST to actually reap the benefits projected, people would have to wake much earlier in the mornings and go to Burberry Store sleep much earlier in the evenings. Because of DST, days are shortened, but sleep schedules often are not adjusted accordingly. Therefore, due to a lack of utilizing all of the daylight hours, more energy is used with people working late into the evenings, traveling, and being involved in night-time activities that require energy usage to light up the darkness of the night hours. Some studies have shown just how much energy demands actually increase during DST, as opposed to decreasing, as intended. In a study by Matthew Kotchen of the University of California, Santa Barbara and his colleague Laura Grant, research showed that DST actually led to a one-percent overall increase in residential electricity use, which cost the state of Indiana an extra nine-million dollars over the course of one year (Choi, 2009). Today, research still continues, determining the efficiency of DST. In an upcoming study in the Journal of Economics and Statistics, electricity consumption patterns from a "natural experiment" in Indiana will be published. This study compared regions that observe DST to regions that do not, and the findings were that those observing DST actually consumed more and had higher demands for electricity as a whole (Pavlus, 2010). Daylight Saving Time has also been considered as a cause of many medical problems. In addition to affecting the flora and fauna, human health may also be negatively impacted due to the changing time. Some studies have blamed DST for traffic accidents, depression, and an increased risk of heart attacks (Pavlus, 2010). People do not typically adjust their schedules to Daylight Saving Time. For instance, people do not wake any earlier to take advantage of the daylight hours. People just use more electricity in the evenings to perform their regular tasks and routines, unaffected by whether there was sunlight or it was dark outside. People's work schedules do not change with the time changes. In a study of 55,000 people, results showed that the human body operates according to the seasonal progression of dawn, and not according to DST (O'Connor, 2009). Should it stay or should it go? With so much research to support the inefficiencies of Daylight Saving Time, it can be determined that doing away with such a policy would not result in any loss. While the intentions to conserve energy are good, especially in the world today where so many are concerned about global warming, greenhouse gases, and expending non-renewable resources, DST is not fulfilling its goals. This policy was implemented in order to help resolve some of these problems. However, significant research has shown that DST actually has resulted in increased energy demands, and has even contributed to health problems for many. In addition to the health risks, safety risks are also of concern. With DST, especially in rural areas, many children have been killed after being struck by vehicles while walking to school or the bus stop in the darkness of the early morning hours (Prerau 2005). The future of DST is grim. With so many negative aspects resulting from the policy, and because of a lack of benefits, the possibility of eliminating DST in future years is great. In order for DST to be successful in conserving energy as it originally was, work and school schedules would have to adjust with the Louis Vuitton Shoes time. People working a 9-to-6 schedule would need to adjust the schedule in the fall to 8-to-5 in order to cut back on the energy needed to work in the evening hours when it gets dark earlier. The constant changing of schedules that would be necessary to reap the benefits of the energy-conserving policy would result in more hassle and confusion than the results would be worth. Therefore, Daylight Saving Time is no longer a beneficial policy to the world and there is no need for its practice to be further implemented in future years. References Aldridge, A.O. 1956. "Franklin's Essay on Daylight Saving." American Literature. Duke University Press. JSTOR. Choi, Charles Q. 2009. "Spring Forward or Not." Scientific American. Vol. 300, Issue 3. EBSCOHOST. Obtained from Military And Government Collection. Columbia Encyclopedia. 2010. "Daylight Saving Time." 6th ed. EBSCHOST. Obtained from Military and Government Collection. De Rosa, Philip. 2010. "We'd All Be Much Better off Without Daylight Savings Time." CCPA Monitor. Vol. 16, Issue 8. EBSCOHOST. Academic Search Premier. Gurevitz, Mark. 2005. "CRS Report for Congress." U.S. Dept. of State. Lee Aundra, Temescu. 2009. "20 Things You Didn't Know About Time." Louis Vuitton Shoes Outlet Discover. Vol. 30, Issue 3. EBSCOHOST. Academic Search Complete. National Geographic. 2009. "Daylight Savings Time 2009: When and Why We Fall Back. National Geographic News. O'Connor, Anahad. 2009. "Daylight Saving Time Can Affect Your Health." New York Times. EBSCOHOST. Academic Search Premier. Pavlus, John. 2010. "Daylight Savings Time." Scientific American. Vol. 303, Issue 3. EBSCOHOST. Obtained from Military and Government Collection. Prerau, David. 2005. "Just One More Hour" Electric Perspectives. Vol, 30, Issue 6. EBSCOHOST. Richardson, Chris. 2010. "Don't Wind Your Clocks Back Yet, Louis Vuitton Shoes Outlet America! When Is Daylight Savings 2010, and Why Does It Feel so Late?" Christian Science Monitor. EBSCOHOST. Academic Search Complete. Spotts, Peter N. 2010. "Daylight Savings Ends: Time to 'fall back'. Christian Science Monitor. EBSCOHOST. Academic Search Complete. Spotts, Peter N. 2010. "Daylight Saving Time: Remind me again why we 'spring forward?'. Christian Science Monitor. EBSCOHOST. Academic Search Complete.


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Will Medicare Cover Naturopathy and Alternative Medicine-_6758

Will Medicare Cover Naturopathy and Alternative Medicine? Naturopathic medicine tries to use the body's natural healing abilities to fight off diseases rather than using outside agents such as drugs or surgery. Naturopaths try holistic approaches such as using herbs, changes in diet and more exercise. They also attempt to prevent health problems before they begin through education. However, naturopathic medicine is not considered a part of mainstream medicine in the United States. Alternative Medicine Although at one time naturopathic medicine was Moncler Jackets covered by Medicaid, another national health insurance program, it is not covered by either Medicaid nor Medicare as of 2011. Neither naturopathy nor any other kind of health care considered "alternative" has benefits to cover it under any part of Medicare. This includes acupuncture, aromatherapy, herbal medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and massage therapy. Chiropractic services are usually not covered, either, but there is an exception for cases involving subluxation canada goose jakke of the spine. Subluxation is a condition where the spinal bones have moved out of alignment. Chiropractors are allowed by Medicare to realign the subluxation if it is deemed medically necessary. Main Medicare Services Medicare will pay for a variety of services. Original Medicare is actually two parts, named A and B. Part A has coverage mainly for inpatient mental health and hospital services. Part B covers mostly preventive services, such as health screens and doctor exams, and outpatient services. If you purchase your Moncler Jackets Parts A and B benefits through a Medicare Advantage plan, you may also get additional benefits for vision, hearing or dental care. Part D Medicare covers only prescription medications. Medical Equipment Medicare might also pay for durable medical equipment, such as wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes, hospital beds and oxygen supplies. canada goose jacket If your physician prescribes it to you Moncler Jackets for use in your home, Medicare Part B benefits may cover it. Copay amounts depend on whether the equipment can be rented or must be purchased. However, the supplier of the medical equipment must be an approved vendor and participate in Medicare before Medicare will pay the claim. Burberry Outlet Store Additional Services In addition Louis Vuitton Outlet USA to hospital services, physical exams and Hermes Outlet preventive screenings, Medicare covers a few extra services, such as home health, skilled nursing facility care and hospice. Medicare has no benefit for long-term nursing home care, but will cover short-term stays in a skilled nursing facility under certain conditions. If you are considered homebound, you may be approved for home health Burberry Store equipment and visits by licensed nurses and doctors. If a person is diagnosed with a terminal illness and is in their last six months, they can choose hospice care under a Medicare Part A benefit. Hospice centers on a patient Replica Louis Vuitton living the remainder of his life pain-free and comfortable, usually at home, rather than pursuing aggressive treatment. References Naturopathic Clinic of Concord: Frequently Asked Questions http://www.pamelaherring.com/faqs.html#medicare Medicare Interactive: What is Not Covered by Medicare? http://www.medicareinteractive.org/page2.php?topic=counselor&page=script&slide_id=215 Medicare.Gov: Medicare Benefits http://www.medicare.gov/navigation/medicare-basics/medicare-benefits/medicare-benefits-overview.aspx Medicare.Gov: Your Medicare Coverage-Durable Medical Equipment http://www.medicare.gov/Coverage/Search/Results.asp?State=TX|Texas&Coverage=23|Durable+Medical+Equipment&submitState=View+Results+%3E American Association of Naturopathic Physicians http://www.naturopathic.org/index.asp Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Medicare Coverage Database http://www.cms.gov/medicare-coverage-database/overview-and-quick-search.aspx


Johnny Depp 'Thin Man' Remake: Less Drinking and Banter, More Fisticuffs? COMMENTARY | The idea that Johnny Depp is planning to Moncler Outlet play Nick Charles in a remake of "The Thin Man," the famous movies series about a retired police detective and his high society wife in the 1930s and 1940s, is certainly an intriguing one. William Powell and Myrna Loy played Nick and Nora in Cheap Moncler Jackets the original movies. The role Louis Vuitton Sunglasses of Nora is yet to be cast in the modern remake. A passage in a story in Film School Rejects about a rewrite of the script gives one pause, though, about director Robb Marshall's approach to the remake. "There's also some news on what sort of a treatment Koepp will be shooting for, however. Apparently Koepp's script will be combining elements of the canada goose parka first two Burberry Outlet Thin Man movies from the 30s, 1934's The Thin Man and 1936's After the Thin Man. Marshall is looking to do a stylized, modern looking take on the material, similar to what Guy Ritchie has done with the Sherlock Holmes franchise." The original series featured Nick and Nora exchanging bon mots over high Hermes Outlet balls while solving crimes together. The original film was based on a novel by crime writer Dashiell Hammett and was more lighthearted than the usual detective stories of the era. The Guy Ritchie "Sherlock Holmes" featured Holmes and Watson performing martial arts as they did battle with the Burberry Store bad guys, with the usual stunt acrobatics that accompany such film sequences. Thus, this leads us to suspect that Nick and Nora will drink and banter less and kick box more. Using the formula, the villain will not be the run-of-the-mill murderer Louis Vuitton Outlet Store who popped his wife to make room for his mistress or his grandfather for the inheritance. It will likely be somebody who is trying to take over the world, like maybe a Nazi or even someone really horrible, LV OUTLET like a super villain. If Marshall were trying to be funny, it might be someone who is trying to poison the world supply of canada goose coat vermouth, which is something that would horrify Nick and Nora. There are also rumored to be musical numbers planned. This might be a good thing if it is background or truly horrible if the idea is to make a musical. But we shall see. Source: Johnny Depp's 'Thin Man Remake Reveals New Writer and Some New Details', Nathan Adams, Film School Rejects, August 30, 2011

Business Risk Reduction Strategy Explained_23

Business Risk Reduction Strategy Explained Risk management can be analyzed as an identification, evaluation and prioritization of the risk and the consequential minimization, monitoring and control of the possibilities of the risk occurring and/or Burberry Outlet extend of effects. Risk management is an integral part of the business process due to the fact virtually every business venture is faced with uncertainties that are perceived as threats to its operations. Strategies to manage risks include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the effects of the risks, as well Moncler Jackets as accepting some or canada goose parka all of the liabilities from a particular uncertainty event. The mode of risk strategy adopted depends on the risk probability and the severity as may be defined by the composite risk index. The composite risk index is a function of the impact of the risk event multiplied by the probability of occurrence. Risk reduction is simply minimizing on the severity of loss or the possibility of the loss occurring. Risk reduction is also referred to as 'optimization' whereby the management has to strike a balance between the effects of the risks and the benefits of the business operation. This implies that the management evaluates the risk cost and Louis Vuitton Outlet USA the business benefits such as profitability and then analyzes the mitigation measure to be put in place to reduce the risks costs Moncler Jackets or the occurrence of the unfortunate event while enhancing profitability. Risk reduction is appropriate in risks that have high cost implications and their probability to occur is relatively higher so that the business organization may not be able to solely bear the burden of the uncertainty and it's forced to strategically minimize on the probability of occurrence and severity of impact of the risk. Outsourcing is an example of risk reduction whereby a company identifies another firm which can demonstrate higher capacity to manage a risk or reduce the risk and 'relegates' some of its operations to that company in order to minimize on the overall risk that is posed by the business operations. For instance, a business Louis Vuitton Outlet may perceive the cost of manufacturing goods too high and the risks involved so pronounced that it decides to play the role of selling the product to the consumer. This Louis Vuitton USA way the business avoids the manufacturing of the product in a bid to reduce the cost of risks that are involved. It however identifies another company that carries out the Louis Vuitton Men manufacturing of the product and buys from it, the finished products and sells them to the consumer. Risk reduction is a strategy that is adopted whereby the business is limited Moncler Outlet by resources and it has to accept the risk liability and retain it. However, it adapts to other ways to scale down on the cost implications of the risks. Sharing of the risk can Louis Vuitton USA also be viewed as a risk reduction in the sense that the overall risk costs are shared between parties so that the 'weight' of cost implications does not overwhelm the business venture resulting to financial constraints.


-i-The Sorcerer's Apprentice--i- (2010)- A Review_1439

The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010): A Review Balthazar (Nicolas Cage), Veronica (Monica Bellucci), and Horvath Louis Vuitton Outlet USA (Alfred Molina) are all apprentices of the world's greatest Sorcerer, Merlin (James A. Stephens). Morgana (Alice Krige) turns Horvath against the team and the duo is successful balenciaga outlet in defeating Merlin. Veronica sacrifices herself in order to save her love Balthazar but not before he captures the two in the Grimold. As Merlin lay dying Louis Louis Vuitton Shoes Outlet Vuitton Outlet Store he entrusted his last apprentice with his ring and tells him to seek out his successor. Hundreds of years pass before he's able to accomplish this task. The prime-merlinian has come in the Hermes Outlet form of an unsuspecting young man. He's able to give Dave (child, Jake Cherry :adult, Jay Baruchel) the ring but before he can teach him anything Horvath escapes from the Grimold. In order to save the Louis Vuitton Women life of his young apprentice, Balthazar traps himself and Horvath in Moncler Outlet an urn for the next ten years. Over the Hermes Belts Outlet last several years Nicolas Cage has starred in a Louis Vuitton Sunglasses few films that make a great night for the whole family. This is another one of those films. The overall acting isn't phenomenal but it isn't bad either. The story has its fair share Louis Vuitton Outlet Store of plot holes, but it's a family film, what do you expect. One of the most engaging parts of film is the different types of spells. The CGI for these is some of the best I've ever seen, a must see in high definition. Most of the movie is clever and well thought out. More specifically the homage it pays to Fantasia is quite funny. It was also nice to see that it attempted to bridge the gap between science and magic. Overall, it isn't a cinematic masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but it is good clean family fun that the whole family can enjoy. For that reason I give this a 7/10.

Dean Martin- Tribute- SHOW REVIEW-_10420

Dean Martin- Tribute- SHOW REVIEW- (Photos shot by Sandy Zimmerman during the show) Deana Martin's Tribute to her father, Dean Martin, was filled with love and happy memories. Louis Vuitton Women One of the best tributes I have seen of the Rat Pack era, Deana featured highlights of the lives of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, but that was not all. Her personal touches about the times she spent Moncler Jackets with Frank and Dean showed a different side of the two canada goose jacket men. I reviewed Sammy Davis, Jr., and Dean Martin many times in the 80's and was always blown away by their talent. Dean shared his life with Deana. "I was a teen ager growing up in Las Vegas with Dean and Frank as chaperones. We had so much fun going out on the town. Many of the celebrity acts were not just in the showrooms, they appeared in the lounges. We laughed at Shecky Green and Don Rickles then went to the Casbah, at the Sahara Hotel, to see my absolute all time favorite, Louie Prima." She LV OUTLET STORE sang Louie's "Old Black Louis Vuitton Outlet Online Store Magic" in honor of Louie. Deana's fast moving show paused for a few moments when we all heard a knock at the door and she went over LV OUTLET to see who was there. The audience never knows in advance who will be at the door so it is a surprise. Last night Lina Prima was there and they sang a duet. Lina flew to Las Vegas just to attend Deana's show. After some more of Dean's songs to keep brightening louisvuitton the evening, Deana was interrupted by another knock at the door. It was the Sweetheart of Country Music, Penny Gilley, soon to be talk show host of the RFD-TV, "Penny Gilley Show" live from Branson, Missouri, starting in September. Her show will be seen in the US and 22 countries. "If you love country music, you can catch us." One of the highlights of the evening, Deana sang "Welcome to my World", a virtual duet synced with one of Dean's old films. Some of the other video footage included Jerry Lewis singing "Side by Side" with Dean, an excerpt from Ocean's 11, Walking down the stairs into showroom, Deana let everyone join her in singing "That's Amore". You could tell by the continuing applause, the audience appreciated every moment of the evening. The showroom was packed with Dean Martin's fans and every time Deana included Frank Sinatra, and Sammy Davis, Jr., it meant so much to them. Deana mentioned she usually sings with a symphony orchestra or an 18 piece band, but her five piece group this evening was superb with great arrangements of each song. I feel it was very special that Deana had a Meet and Greet after her Burberry Outlet Store show because not many of the celebs do that. She signed autographs and copies of her new book. The book included some of her personal photos, videos, and film clips which have never been seen before. The Suncoast Hotel always has the best entertainment- For information, call 636-7111. The Suncoast Hotel & Casino is located at 9090 Alta Drive. MORE from this Contributor- Las Vegas Show Reviews: Jabbawockeez- Show of the Year Show Review- Vegas! The Show Crazy Horse Paris- Backstage with Claire Sinclair Enter the World of Terry Fators Characters Show Review- Recycled Percussion, A New Use for Pots and Pans louisvuitton www.associatedcontent.com/article/7812886/under_the_spell_of_the_king_of_romance.html?cat=33 www.associatedcontent.com/article/7924567/show_review_the_pianos_keys_were_on.html?cat=33 www.associatedcontent.com/article/7952043/show_reviews_the_voices_in_greg_londons.html?cat=33 www.associatedcontent.com/article/8028133/gladys_knight_show_review_enjoy_an.html?cat=33 www.associatedcontent.com/article/8012353/terry_fator_show_review_terry_fators.html?cat=7 www.associatedcontent.com/article/8023291/show_review_they_have_that_motown_sound.html?cat=12 www.associatedcontent.com/article/7998001/las_vegas_show_reviews_backstage_at.html?cat=7 www.associatedcontent.com/article/7802542/oscar_night_in_las_vegas.html?cat=40 Celebrity Interview- Ben Vareen www.associatedcontent.com/article/8002615/show_reviews_lion_king_is_a_roaring.html?cat=7 www.associatedcontent.com/article/7998001/las_vegas_show_reviews_backstage_at.html?cat=7 www.associatedcontent.com/article/7931961/show_review_psychic_gary_spivey_amazes.html?cat=49 www.associatedcontent.com/article/8063923/ricky_martin_show_review_ricky_martins.html?cat=33 www.associatedcontent.com/article/8051957/show_reviews_paula_poundstone_is_different.html?cat=38 www.associatedcontent.com/article/8070585/debbie_reynolds_show_review_best_in.html?cat=33 Murray Sawchuck- Two Interviews-#1 & #2: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/8098357/murray_sawchuckamericas_got_talent.html?cat=49 Louis Vuitton Shoes Outlet http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/8098421/murray_sawchuckamericas_got_talent.html?cat=49 http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/8101787/paul_williams_paul_williams_pleases.html?cat=33 http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/8102019/show_reviews_paul_revere_is_as_wacky.html?cat=33 http://www.associatedcontent.com/search.html?content_type=article&q=bill+medley Las Vegas Today Show radio program- Oscar Night Academy Awards along the Red Carpet- www.associatedcontent.com/audio/23986/oscar_nightacademy_awards_along_the.html?cat=2 www.associatedcontent.com/audio/23960/terry_fatorbackstage_interview.html?cat=2 www.associatedcontent.com/audio/24799/gladys_knight_showred_carpet_opening.html?cat=33

Why Steelers-Packers Will Be a Great Super Bowl XLV_1452

Why Steelers/Packers Will Be a Great Super Bowl XLV The Super Bowl is the premier sporting event in the US. And it transcends just sports, attracting millions of viewers who aren't particularly avid football fans. It is an event. This year, though, the game itself should be super. Here are 5 reasons why. Star quarterbacks The Pittsburgh Steelers and the Green Bay Packers both feature star quarterbacks. The Packers' Aaron Rodgers and the Steelers' Ben Roethliesberger share a knack for the spectacular escape. Aaron can use his nimble feet to avoid the rush and scamper downfield 20 yards. Moncler Jackets Big Ben can throw off a would-be tackler with his off-hand while completing a pass balenciaga outlet downfield. Both ran for touchdowns in their conference championship games to lead their teams to victory. And both quarterbacks are known for throwing deep to open up the game. I can't remember a game where either QB started and didn't do something spectacular. Why should the Super Bowl be any less so? Expect the spectacular. Disruptive defense However, the Steelers and Packers also field powerful defenses. They run exotic canada goose jakke 3-4 blitzing defenses designed to confuse their opponent and create turnovers. With Pro Bowl nods to Green Bay's Clay Matthews III and Pittsburgh's James Harrison, the NFL has already heralded the heart of each team's disruptive linebacker corp. And the secondaries each feature game-changing playmakers in Troy Polamalu (Steelers) Louis Vuitton Men and Charles Woodson (Packers) - also Pro Bowl selections. With all that defensive fire-power and crafty schemes, these defenses won't disappoint viewers. Toughest receivers While Mike Wallace (Pittsburgh) and Greg Jennings (Green Bay) can light up the scoreboard in a hurry, I want to watch the 2 toughest receivers in the game today: the Steelers' Hines Ward and the Packers' Donald Driver. Both these guys are fearless veterans who aren't afraid to make a grab over the middle to keep a drive alive. And they will get up smiling after a big hit. They are both leaders on their teams and have proven their long-term value over 25 combined seasons. In an era where receivers are quickly replaced by the next young guy, these two are all-time pros looking to add to their impressive legacies. Unsung heroes Although there are superstars and future Hall of Fame players on both teams, their fans know that games are often won by the unsung heroes. And there are fan favorites for both teams. The Steelers stop the run because Casey Hampton is a fireplug in the middle of the defensive line. They were the best team converting third and short often because of power back Isaac Redman. And rookie wide receiver, Antonio Brown has made huge plays to seal Hermes Outlet their last two playoff games. Louis Vuitton USA The Packers love John Kuhn, a part-time runner, receiver, and blocker who always seems to make Burberry Store a key play. BJ Raji is a young nose tackle who makes their defense go. Just ask the Bears about his back-breaking interception in the NFC championship game. And Aaron Rodgers is never short of receiving weapons because James Jones and Jordy Nelson come down with clutch receptions. Most passionate fans A 2008 article by ESPN's Matt Mosley ranked Pittsburgh and Green Bay as the #1 and #2 best fan bases in the NFL. He ranked teams based on home sell-outs, season ticket waiting lists, and how well fans travel. Looking at NFL jersey sales, these two teams are still powerhouses. For 2010, Jock Jerseys reported the Steelers rank as #2 seller with prada designers bag Green Bay at #9. Troy Polamalu's #43 jersey is the third most popular, behind only draft-darling Tim Tebow and last year's Super Bowl MVP, Drew Louis Vuitton USA Brees. Aaron Rodgers is #6. The rest of the league knows these towel-twirling or cheesehead wearing fan bases, too. Their Hermes Outlet fans show up at every road game, sometimes even outnumbering the home team's faithful. So there it is. The NFL's best fan bases will be rooting for their spectacular QBs, game-changing DBs, toughest receivers, fierce linebackers, and their unsung heroes to pull out victory in Super Bowl XLV. Forget the commercials, this is all about the game! Enjoy it.


Five Popular Celebrity Catchphrases- What They Really Mean_210

Five Popular Celebrity Catchphrases: What They Really Mean Have you noticed that most of the stories you read in your favorite gossip rags use a lot of the same language? If you've been paying attention, you've probably noticed a few of these popular catchphrases. Some are legitimate terms; others are politically correct ways to get around some of Hollywood's stickier scandals. Here are five random terms that you'll typically hear to preserve a celebrity's image or Moncler Outlet keep a hot story tightly under canada goose jakke wraps�� "Irreconcilable Differences" He's cheating on me. She snorts uncontrollably when she laughs. He's mean to our pet iguanas. She's got a glue-sniffing addiction. Considerably, these issues may get in the way of a happy celebrity marriage. In any case, this is a standard louisvuitton legal term rather than a catchphrase. But its mention in tabloids is usually just a preface for all the nasty details that will eventually emerge in approaching days. "Treated for Replica Louis Vuitton Louis Vuitton Outlet exhaustion" Sure, sometimes famous people really are just tired. But ordinarily, this term Vest Moncler is a popular catchall for any physical ailment from which a celeb suffers. As Hermes Belts the ambiguity of "exhaustion" is so vast, it's a terrific excuse when used louisvuitton to cloak any substance abuse issues the press is attempting to keep quiet. You've got to admit that it's a pretty clever word. "Respect their privacy��" This is the politically correct phrase for "leave them alone and don't ask any questions." The only problem is that we consider it complete fluff. Ordinary civilians very rarely bump into their favorite stars in the supermarket. So outside of peeping through their windows to see what's going on, there are few ways the general public can respond to what they're not being told. (Let that one marinate for a while.) "Representatives for [Insert Celeb Here] could not be reached for comment." In the event that no public request Louis Vuitton Sunglasses for prada diaper bag privacy has been made, stars typically refer to Plan B: Ignoring the Public. When a celebrity's "people" can't be reached for comment about some sort of scandal, it's usually a bad sign. The parties involved are probably trying to get their stories together. So you can believe that some serious damage control is cooking up behind the scenes. "��hasn't treated the star��" - This is usually the phrase used by doctors speculating on the state of a celebrity condition. The phrase is typically used in accordance with rumors of plastic surgery---doctors "who have not treated the star��" love to offer their two cents about what kind of cosmetic work a celeb might have had. Guess that's better than blurting, "That's a jacked up nose job. But I didn't do it." More From This Contributor: Do You Have What it Takes to Be a Celebrity Publicist? Celebrities Who Have Been Kicked Out of Public Places Understanding the Dynamics of the Celebrity Crush


Car Key Wristlet_2417

Car Key Wristlet A mom who is out and about with the kids can sure have her hands full - literally. She's trying to get kids in and out of car seats, carrying bags of this and that from Louis Vuitton Hadnbags visited stores, and Louis Vuitton Replica then there's that ever-present purse; she has to have that! The demands on a mom can certainly be overwhelming Moncler Jackets but there are lots of things she can do to make things a little easier on herself. If you're that busy mom there's nothing that can replace a craft that frees up one of your hands. When you make a car key wristlet life will instantly get easier, because you won't have any more key issues, like dropping them while trying to unlock the door, or fumbling for them in your purse.You can go through the trouble of taking a piece of fabric, turning a tiny, quarter-inch edge, and pressing it with an iron, then doing that to all four sides. When you Louis Vuitton Hadnbags Louis Vuitton USA start out with a scrap of fabric, and iron under the edges, you still have to fold it in half, lengthways, and then sew it. Sew from the corner by the fold, across that short side, down the long side, and back up the other short side, to sew it closed. To give it a more finished look, though, continue sewing up the side, Louis Vuitton Replica which is the fold. Stay about a quarter-inch away Louis Vuitton Outlet USA from the very edge as you sew.Rather than make your own strap you can just buy a piece of ribbon and it can Burberry Store become a wristlet in minutes. Whether you're starting with a sewn strap, or you've just cut a piece of ribbon, you can adjust the size to be the length and width you want. A good size for a piece you're going to sew is 15"x3". Replica Louis Vuitton For a ribbon, you can cut it 14 to 15" and 1 to 2" wide.Purchase a "D" ring to finish the wrist key carrier. Slide one end of the strap through the ring and fold it back over on itself. Stitch around the area to secure it. Now all you have to do is clip the car or house keys onto the "D" ring and slide on the wristlet. Your keys will be right there, handy, and easy to get to. Slide the wristlet on when it's dark out, when your car is locked, or when you're carrying one of the kids. Life just got so much prada diaper bag easier!


Il nastro bianco e rosso delle citt�� del terremoto- Blog di Beppe Grillo

"Il nastro bianco e rosso che circonda i centri delle localit�� colpite dal terremoto �� un sottilissimo filo invalicabile Negozi Nike che indica la zona rossa. Il cuore di Piumini Moncler ogni citt�� �� circondato da Piumini Moncler quel nastro che nessuno pu�� oltrepassare... sono feriti nel profondo i cittadini... in quei luoghi c'�� un frastuono assordante... �� quello del silenzio. Le macerie sparse sulla strada e la mancanza di ogni attivit�� rende le zone rosse citt�� fantasma. Non ci sono pi�� telecamere o giornalisti a raccontare il Armain Orologio terremoto... sono rimasti solo gli eroi: pompieri e volontari... Moncler e poi... siete rimasti voi... da casa... che potete fare ancora molto per tagliare quel nastro e far rientrare nelle proprie case migliaia di persone." Nik il Nero

Class Action Orologio Armain contro Trenitalia- Blog di Beppe Grillo

"Caro Beppe, sono la portavoce del Coordinamento Provinciale Pendolari Pavesi, che da due anni si Piumino Moncler batte per il miglioramento del trasporto ferroviario e via gomma.Abbiamo realizzato un software di monitoraggio per i pendolari per segnalazioni via email e sms. Disponiamo di un database che contiene un anno di disservizi subiti da Trenitalia/Trenord. Abbiamo avviato una tourn��e nei comuni pavesi sulla mobilit�� pendolare (13mila pendolari che si muovono ogni giorno in treno e in pullman). Poi siamo andati dall'Ente Provincia e al Pirellone a presentare i nostri dossier. Ma nulla �� cambiato. Siccome non molliamo, grazie a un avvocato milanese che ha vinto una causa contro Trenitalia, stiamo facendo partire LA Moncler PRIMA CLASS ACTION contro Trenitalia/Trenord per i pendolari della Pavia-Voghera-Milano Una tratta con treni vecchi, carrozze sovraffollate, guasti a porte e impianti di climatizzazione, stazioni Nike Negozi in stato di degrado, ritardi, code alla biglietteria, macchinette guaste. E siamo in Lombardia su una delle maggiori linee pendolari d'Italia! Ti chiediamo di diffondere la notizia, affinch�� altri comitati di pendolari Louis Vuitton Italy trovino la forza di reagire a queste violazioni del diritto ad un trasporto dignitoso ed efficiente, affinch�� non permettano oltre che l'azienda trasporti e la Regione e lo Stato possano cavarsela con un semplice: "CI SCUSIAMO PER IL DISAGIO"." Iolanda Nanni - portavoce del Coordinamento Provinciale Pendolari Pavesi - www.coordinamentopendolari.it www.coordinamentopendolari.it/class-action-per-i-pendolari-pavesi-e-ora-saranno-botte-da-orbi/


Una casa per Gabriel- Blog di Beppe Grillo

"Caro Beppe Grillo, ad Imperia non c'�� un politico che abbia il coraggio di partecipare alla manifestazione del 14 maggio in ricordo del piccolo Gabriel Petersone, ucciso ferocemente e brutalmente dalla madre lettone e dal convivente Paolo Arrigo di Imperia. Nessuno vuole fare un discorso alla citt�� d'Imperia sui diritti dei bambini, su come per salvare questa barca alla Piumino Moncler deriva, bisogna partire da piccole e preziose perle che sono i Orologio Armain nostri figli, i figli di tutti. Nessuno vuole compromettere delicati equilibri di strani potentati! Siamo un gruppo di donne. Ci siamo conosciute su Facebook nel gruppo di discussione sul caso del piccolo Gabriel Petersone, ucciso dopo infiniti maltrattamenti (spappolamento della milza, fegato, lividi, bruciature di sigarette). Aveva 17 mesi! La madre, Elizhabete Petersone, di origine lettone, ed il convivente, Paolo Arrigo d'Imperia, sono stati condannati a 11 anni per maltrattamenti con la morte del soggetto. Dopo aver visto in tv (Quarto Grado, puntata del 21 gennaio 2011) il video del piccolo Gabriel pieno di lividi, con il labbro rotto, con l'angoscia negli occhi costretto a ripetere quello che gli diceva Arrigo, ed aver sentito che questo bambino era picchiato da tempo, ci siamo interrogate: ma nessuno ha visto nulla, nessuno ha denunciato? La risposta �� stata molti sapevano, ma nessuno ha fatto nulla! Era un bambino e poteva essere salvato! Allora abbiamo creato un comitato: "Una Casa per Gabriel" e scritto alle istituzioni, in primis, al Comune d'Imperia ed a chi si occupa dei minori: abbiamo chiesto una manifestazione in onore del piccolo Gabriel dimenticato troppo presto per la paura che qualcuno cominciasse ad investigare se altri fossero responsabili (dall'ospedale dove il Louis Vuitton Italy bambino era stato ricoverato un mese prima per un braccio rotto, agli assistenti sociali che dovevano appurare che fosse stato un incidente e non un altro). Nessuno ci ha risposto, se non dopo insistenze, una lettera diplomatica, ci hanno detto che le nostre domande erano interessanti, ma che la manifestazione potevamo organizzarcela noi. Cos�� abbiamo fatto, da sole, ognuna in Nike Negozi citt�� diverse, ognuna con lavoro e figli, abbiamo organizzato la manifestazione, abbiamo pagato di tasca nostra i manifesti, le fiaccole e tutto il resto, Moncler perch�� noi in questa cosa ci crediamo! Perch�� Gabriel non doveva morire nell'indifferenza di tutti con il corpo seviziato e l'anima rubata! In questi giorni sono stati pubblicati gli articoli sui giornali: Sanremo news, La Stampa, Il Secolo XIX, sulla nostra manifestazione. Ma purtroppo siamo sempre sole e vorremmo che tu regalassi a Gabriel la Tua presenza la sera del 14 maggio ad Imperia. Se non puoi venire parla di questa storia all'italiana sul tuo blog, denuncia il deserto lasciato dai nostri miseri politici." Sara Amighetti Per aderire alla fiaccolata vai alla pagina FB


Il Veneto regala 300.000 euro alla caccia- Blog Moncler Borse Gucci Outlet di Beppe Grillo

C'�� una Regione italiana che non soffre la crisi, �� il Veneto che pu�� permettersi di destinare 300.000 euro alla caccia. Il cassintegrato, o il disoccupato, si sentir�� meglio quando all'alba, all'uscio UGG di casa, udr�� il rumore dei fucili che sparano ai pochi animali sopravvissuti alla cementificazione e all'inquinamento. "Nel Veneto post-alluvione l��anno inizia con 300 mila euro per aiutare la caccia. "GEAPRESS �C Ancora non curate tutte le ferite e risarciti i danni della recente alluvione nel Veneto, e la Giunta regionale guidata dal Governatore Luca Zaia trova i fondi Piumino Moncler per l��ennesimo finanziamento di migliaia di euro alle attivit�� delle associazioni venatorie, queste ultime evidentemente ancora assai potenti sul territorio. Sul primo bollettino ufficiale della Regione Veneto del 2011 si trovano due delibere di giunta che Louis Vuitton Outlet elargiscono oltre 300 mila euro per utilissime finalit�� pubbliche, a favore dell��attivit�� venatoria ed eventi di promozione della caccia." Sara' per tenere lubrificate le 10mila baionette?" Beppe A Ps: Informatevi su come difendervi dalla caccia

I Responsabili- Blog di Beppe Grillo

Alla Camera c'�� un nuovo gruppo a sostegno di Berlusconi, in pratica una badante parlamentare. Si tratta dei Moncler Outlet "I responsabili". Sono 21, un numero che porta Armain Watches bene, il minimo necessario per formare una nuova formazione a Montecitorio e perfetto per le attuali circostanze. Per la Smorfia napoletana il 21 �� infatti "'a femmena annura (la donna nuda)". Hanno subito tenuto a precisare: "Non siamo la stampella del governo, ma la terza gamba che intende dare un contributo Piumini Peuterey forte e originale (?)". Non sono andati oltre nei dettagli, ma la loro collocazione nel corpo politico del Governo �� chiara: in mezzo alle gambe e sopra le palle. Il Borse Louis Vuitton gruppo selvaggio di fuoriusciti da diversi partiti conta tra le Giubbotti Moncler sue fila dei pluri-ex come Calearo, ex sia di API, che del Pdmenoelle, e la coppia dell'anno, gli ex IDV Razzi-Scilipoti. Una terza gamba responsabile e originale dal motto "Lo famo strano!".


Sicilia: prima promessa mantenuta- Blog di Beppe Grillo

"Abbiamo gi�� mantenuto la prima di promessa. Abbiamo portato avanti la campagna elettorale senza i finanziamenti Moncler Outlet pubblici, non toccando in alcun modo le tasche dei cittadini. Abbiamo raccolto con libere donazioni ben 32.000 euro, ma ne sono Giubbotti Moncler serviti solo Piumini Peuterey 25.000 Borse Louis Vuitton euro per diventare la prima forza politica Armain Watches in Sicilia. E' interessante vedere quanto invece hanno speso gli altri. Alla coalizione che sosteneva il PD sono serviti 120.000 euro (di finanziamenti PUBBLICI) per perdere il 49% delle preferenze, mentre a quella che sosteneva il PDL addirittura pi�� di 600.000 euro (di finanziamenti PUBBLICI) per arrivare a perderne il 73%. Se togli i soldi dalla politica, questa diventa passione, e quando hai migliaia di cittadini motivati, non ci sono battaglie troppo grandi per essere vinte. Spiegatelo ai nostri avversari che hanno eserciti di mercenari." Giancarlo Cancelleri, M5S Sicilia


Finding a Place to Sleep While Traveling

Part of the joy of traveling is eating and sleeping where the locals Nike Negozi do. If you are travelling, consider this when you chose where to sleep. But with that in mind I recommend to Spaccio Moncler you how to get the best deal for Armain Watches your travels. Enjoy! 1. Negozi Nike Moncler Outlet Dirt cheap - playing hobo This option is great if you're somewhere you feel safe (perhaps an airport or a place with a really low crime rate?) I'm a fan of "Sleeping in Airports", a website that guides you to the feasibility of sleeping in any given airport around the world. Some train or bus stations are operational at all hours (try to check beforehand if you can), while others close at midnight and open at strange hours. If you're traveling in a group, you may even consider sampling a city's nightlife until the early morning hours, and then finding a place to nap. Bus and train stations can be good (especially if you're going to take a ride anyway), or public parks if the weather permits. 2. Some more Borse Louis Vuitton planning - Public Camping If you're in a fairly safe place, you may consider whipping out a blanket, sleeping bag or tent in places otherwise not designated for camping. Some beaches don't mind when people camp on them, but remember that Piumino Moncler there's safety in numbers. The best option is an out-of-the-way place in a fairly safe area, out of sight of people who may be out to bust you. Of course, respect property laws and keep your valuables hidden (in the tent, at Armain Orologio the bottom of your sleeping bag, or in your back pocket). 2. A step up - couch Orologio Armain surfing Couchsurfing.org is a guide to couches, pull-out beds, futons, etc., available for free to guests all over the world. While technically free, you're obligated as a considerate human being to do some chores for your host, bring a small gift, and maybe hang out Scarpe Nike with them for a little while. I Spaccio Peuterey would not choose this option for Piumini Moncler more than a couple days at any one host's house. You don't want to wear out your welcome. The other downside is that you don't have too much freedom when you sleep in someone else's house: you'll probably have to talk to them and hang out with Louis Vuitton Outlet them for some period of time, and they may not appreciate you coming in at the wee hours of the morning or waking up early if Nike Store that's your thing 3. Slightly better (sometimes available) - Bathhouses In parts of Southeast Asia, sleeping in a bathhouse is viable. You pay the equivalent of a couple dollars, and you get a locker, a t-shirt Peuterey Outlet Piumini Peuterey and pair of shorts, and a couple towels. You can then bathe in many tub or shower Moncler Outlet in a public area, then put on your bath-house issued clothes and curl up with a mat and possibly a blanket. Your valuables are locked up, and no one's going to hurt you. You just sacrifice privacy and possibly comfort if you need a bed. 4. Hostels Contrary to Borse GucciGucci Outlet what silly horror movies will have you believe, hostels can be a great value. the best ones are cheap, clean, safe, and provide you with a little bit of a social life. Definitely research before you travel, however, because some can be less Spaccio Moncler than savory. Hostelworld.com is a comprehensive list of wonderful hostels all over the world complete with pictures, reservations, and ratings. I'd recommend it to everybody, as many hostels not only offer big dorms but many also have private rooms. 5. Motels The difference between a motel and a hotel can be huge in cost and in quality, so be sure to be specific when you hop in the cab. Motels tend to be designed more for utility then for comfort, and may cut corners with amenities or cleanliness. Use them as a place to shower and crash, but maybe not hang out. 6. Hotels, condos, etc. Expect cleanliness, and professionalism here. expect to pay quite a bit, but to be able to relax and enjoy your stay. You're paying extra for comfort, privacy, sometimes a great location or view, and to be catered to if you want.


The Moncler Outlet Lure of the Shore: New Nike Peuterey Outlet Piumini Peuterey Store Jersey's Top Armain Orologio Three Beaches

From Memorial Day to Labor Day, the weekends in Philadelphia are pretty Negozi Nike empty. It's not because there is nothing to do, far from it - it's the lure of the shore. Philadelphia is situated within two hours of the entire New Jersey coastline, and with so many great communities to choose from, it can be overwhelming. Let this guide help you make the most out of your next vacation or weekend excursion. Ocean City, NJ Ocean City, Borse GucciGucci Outlet New Jersey (not to be confused with its wet, Southern cousin, Ocean City, Maryland) has been a family favorite for years. The boardwalk is full of miniature golf courses, arcades, and amazing foods. Don't miss: - Mack and Manco's Pizza (8th, 9th, and 12th Streets, on the Boardwalk) People head to this pizza legend in droves, and any wait you endure is completely worth it. The pizza is well constructed and tastes exactly like pizza should. Walk right in off the beach, and take any leftovers with you. You will want them later. - Brown's Restaurant (St. Charles and Boardwalk). Brown's is famous for its donuts, so get in line early. Piumini Moncler - Kohr Brothers Frozen Custard (Wonderland, 7th, Moorlyn Terrace, 10th, and 12th on the Boardwalk) and Johnson's Popcorn (1360 Boardwalk). While you can get Kohr Brothers in a number of states, the sheer number of locations speaks for how popular this is. They have a number of Piumino Moncler flavors and Armain Watches flavor combinations, which you can check out Orologio Armain at the stand. A great treat for a really warm day. Johnson's comes in a reusable bucket, which you can have refilled with their legendary caramel popcorn. - The shopping in Ocean City is one-of-a-kind! Only Yesterday is a pop culture vintage shop that will take hours from your day and Mia's Christmas Gallery has ornaments and decorations for everyone. - Beach Badges are required during the season (Memorial Day through Labor Borse Louis Vuitton Day), and are $20 for a season badge ($15 if purchased prior to the Memorial Day holiday), $10 for a weekly pass, and $5 for a daily. If Ocean Spaccio Moncler City sounds like fun, but a little exhausting, there are two other beaches that are sure to spell "relaxing." Spring Lake, NJ Spring Lake, NJ boasts the largest non-commercial boardwalk in the state, a pleasant contrast to the crowds in Ocean City. The town was a Gilded Age destination for the wealthy of Philadelphia and New York, and Scarpe Nike it shows in the Spaccio Peuterey architecture. A season pass here is a pricey $100, and the daily pass is $8, but the money keeps the town clean and pleasant. The town boasts Victorian charm, and has long, tree lined Spaccio Moncler streets Louis Vuitton Outlet for taking after-dinner walks and bike rides. There is also a unique shopping district that should not be missed. Ocean Grove, NJ A recent discovery on my part, Ocean Grove is located in central New Jersey in Monmouth County, putting you pretty close to the action of both New York and Philadelphia. The town may look familiar to Woody Allen fans, as parts of Stardust Memories were filmed in this historic town. It all seems to be directly from the Victorian Nike Negozi Age with gingerbread decorations on the houses and quaint shops and restaurants all over town. The Boardwalk boasts shops and eateries, but there are no rides, as in Ocean City. The minute you enter Ocean Grove, you will feel calm and relaxed. The beach tag prices are: $70 season, $35 weekly, $7 daily, $12 weekend special. These three Jersey Shore-points have something for everyone and every family. Book now Moncler Outlet for summer 2011, because the shore fills up quickly. For more information on any of these beaches, head to their official websites. "Ocean Grove Boardwalk," Asbury Boardwalk. "Ocean Grove NJ, The Jersey Shore Victorian National Historic Landmark," Ocean Grove, NJ. "Spring Lake New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, NJ," Spring Lake Chamber of Commerce. "The Official - Ocean City Chamber of Commerce (New Jersey)," Ocean City, NJ Chamber of Commerce.


Banham adds another award to trophy case - St. Paul Sports 6311

Banham adds another award to trophy case - St. Paul Sports The Chanel Outlet Minnesota Golden Gophers officially ended their season March 25, taking home the WBI championship, but Rachel Banham continued her ongoing recognition even as her freshman season is over.The Big Ten Freshman of the Year Spacci Moncler was officially named to the Full Court Freshman All-American First Team on Tuesday, becoming only the second player in Minnesota history to receive such an honor. The last Minnesota freshman All-American was Laura Coenen, making the College All-Freshman team in 1982 as the NCAA was in its infancy for women's basketball.Other members selected to the Freshman All-American First Team were Elizabeth Williams of Duke, Kaleena Mosqueda-Lewis from Connecticut, Ariel Massengale Burberry Outlet from Tennessee and Bria Goss from Kentucky. Williams took National Freshman of the Louis Vuitton USA Year honors from the online women's basketball publication.Full Court noted the consistency in Banham's performance throughout the season. She led Minnesota in scoring with Hermes Outlet 16.1 points per game, finishing seventh overall in the Big Ten Conference in that category and third nationally among freshmen.Banham's shooting Louis Vuitton Outlet Store accuracy was a major influence. She finished the season as the Big Ten's top three-point shooter, hitting 42.5 percent of her attempts this season, and ranked fifth in the conference in free throw shooting with an 81.7 percent conversion rate.Such numbers only strengthened pre-season comparisons to Lindsay Whalen, hype that never bothered the Lakeville SAC LOUIS VUITTON native. When her teammates would encounter frequent offensive ruts, it seemed Banham was the sole player to avoid a trap that destablized many Minnesota players over the last three seasons.The best example was when Banham scored a career-high 28 points at Michigan on Jan. 15, but the Gophers suffered a 61-57 loss as no other player had more than seven points.For fans that are eager to pair the progression of Banham and Whalen, Banham already has an edge when charting records. The Gophers finished 19-17 in Banham's first season, while Whalen endured a measly 8-20 campaign that included SITOUFFICIALE MONCLER 11 consecutive losses to end the season.Bolstering Banham's profile was winning one Big Ten Player of the Week award and five Freshman of the Week awards, holding off a late-season charge from Iowa's Samantha Logic to earn the conference Freshman of the Year award.


Hulu Plus arrives on more Android devices - National Internet Entertainment 1994

Hulu Plus LOUIS Canada Goose VUITTON HOMME arrives on Gucci Outlet more Android devices - National Gucci Outlet Internet Entertainment Last week, Hulu announced the arrival of its paid streaming service (Hulu Plus) to seven Android tablet devices.From the official announcement:"We��re LOUIS VUITTON HOMME thrilled to announce that today Hulu Plus is available on seven Android tablets with a brand new, super deluxe Hulu Plus user interface. Download the Hulu Plus app from Google Play and experience a new way Louis Vuitton Outlet Store to watch TV with the Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime, Asus Eee Pad Transformer, Motorola Xoom, Motorola XYBoard 10.1, Toshiba Thrive, Acer Iconia and LG G-Slate. This is just Coach Outlet the beginning Spacci Moncler of our Android tablet rollout." Hulu Plus is the only way to watch Hulu content on a mobile device. This expansion to more devices should enable wider adoption among Android tablet owners. The paid viewing service has been available on iOS devices and other Android phones for some time now.The updated user interface was designed to make finding and watching shows from an Android tablet better. This is an important update considering the current fragmentation of the Android device market. Have you had a chance to try out the updated Hulu Plus on your tablet? Tell me what you thought of the app's performance in the comments section.


Chicago-style Hot Dogs and Hot Dog Stands_

Chicago-style Hot Dogs and Hot Dog Stands 1 Conversation Chicago-style Hot Dogs and Hot Dog StandsThe hot dog1 is a classic guilty pleasure. Reminding many people of their childhood, the hot dog is a simple, fun food. Everyone has their own favourite toppings and styles of preparation. In Chicago, Illinois, USA, one form has reached new heights of popularity. Its origins moncler are uncertain, but its presence is felt throughout the city. Not only are the hot dogs popular, but the restaurants2 that provide this treat are objects of local pride.The Hot Dog StandChicago's cuisine is as rich and varied as any city's in the world. Nevertheless, the most accessible cuisine in the city, without a doubt, is from the local hot dog stand. The variety in these facilities ranges from the amazing full-service restaurant and bar to the seedy, sticky 'Oh my God, they'll fry anything!' the north face louis vuitton sac jackets locale. Many restaurants exemplify the typical hot-dog stand, the ones Chicagoans think of when they think of home.In a typical establishment, there are four stations behind the counter and three in front of it:In front of the counter are the 'order here' line, the long counter for waiting, and the 'pay here' line. Some places will have a fourth front-of-the-counter station - the condiments station.Behind the counter, you'll typically find the soft serve, the fryer, the grill and the 'line'.Station One - Soft ServeAt the soft serve station, these stands create cones, sundaes and shakes/malts. The details of this station vary greatly between stands. In fact, many hot dog stands do not have them at all. Other hot dog stands will go as far as spaccio moncler to name their palaces with serving ice cream in mind. Something along the lines of 'Jill's Soft Serve' or 'Jack's Hot Dogs and Cones' would be usual.Station Two - the FryerNormally, new employees and summertime-only staff work in front of the fryer. The fryer reminds one simultaneously of Dante's Inferno and James Cameron's post-apocalyptic Earth in The Terminator, except warmer. A terrible place to be in the summer, when the Chicago air easily reaches 90��F, the fryer is dreaded by all employees. As fries (chips) normally come with the dogs, the fryer is usually on and splattering boiling oil all day long.The type of fry depends on the establishment. Some stands proudly boast 'home-cut fries' and will have a potato press to create their fries to order. Others use the wide steak fry. Many places use packaged frozen fries, as these are the most convenient.Station Three - the GrillThe grill is usually reserved for hamburgers and cheeseburgers, and the occasional chicken sandwich. Some louis vuitton borse stands will fry their Polish sausages and Italian sausages on the grill and others will boil them before quickly grilling them. The grills themselves can vary between open flame and traditional griddle-style. The grill station at many places brings the family to the store. Moms and Dads will reluctantly eat hot dogs, but the children may demand them. The grill allows family unity as Dad can eat his burger and Mom borse gucci her chicken. Alternatively, a popular addendum to the grill is the rotisserie. Uniformly creating pressed lamb or pressed beef for gyros3, the spit with the carving knife is a fast-food purveyor's dream. The spit takes up little space, little energy and can be handled by just about any employee.Station Four - the LineThe 'line' is where the magic happens. In this place, often immediately behind the counter, rest all of the condiments and the precious steam table. The hot dogs are left to boil in water here, before being transferred from the steam table to await their fate. The key step here is that the buns, which are covered with poppy seeds, are steamed before they are stuffed. Once the buns are stuffed, the dogs get 'Chicago-ed'.The Toppings to a Chicago-style DogMustardOnionPickle relishTomato half slicesCucumber or, alternatively, a dill pickle spearLots of celery saltSome places will cater to the customers with sauerkraut, lettuce or canada goose even ketchup. Other restaurants disperse small packets of ketchup and require their customers to destroy the hot dog themselves. But a Chicago-style dog was best described by 'The Frugal Gourmet' - Jeff Smith - as being a salad on a bun or 'dragged through the garden', even when they wander from the traditional Chicago style. The key feature is lots of toppings, many of which resemble vegetables. And although it's not strictly a 'topping', a beer goes great with the Doudoune canada goose hot dog too!Official Disclaimer and WarningEat 'chilli dogs' at your own risk. The origin of the chilli is often unknown, even to kitchen staff. The source of meat is a common topic of debate: beef? pork? turkey? lamb? other?Additional Menu ItemsItalian beef sandwiches provide a few days' worth of the recommended daily allowance of fat, gravy and beef. Commonly served with cheese - either Cheddar, mozzarella or nacho-style - and served with either hot or sweet peppers, this sandwich varies significantly in quality between establishments. The type of beef, gravy and freshness of the bread and toppings can make this sandwich wonderful or a gastrointestinal disaster.Italian and Polish sausage sandwiches also very in quality depending upon the source of the meat. In Chicago there are two main distributors of the sausage - their advertisements will be seen in the store proclaiming the benefits of their sausage. The best (and the worst) sausages tend to lack the widespread popularity of these name brands. Asking other patrons, 'which is better, the beef or the sausage?' will be the greatest benefit if the origin of the sausage is unknown.The pizza puff is a little-known treat, even among the faithful. Wrapped in filo dough, sausage bits, tomato sauce and some kind of cheese-like substance, they are kept frozen until teh north face jackets canada goose ordered. At this point they are deep fried until toasty brown. A word of caution: like all fried cheese, be extraordinarily careful when biting into this delicacy, as the inner treasure of cheese may approach the core temperature of the sun.A Final Word of Praise and WarningEach restaurant is different. There will always be something on one menu that is not on another. Proceed with caution, as unknown and unfamiliar items may cause harm. The hot dog stand 'taco', 'salad' and 'deli-style' sandwiches are best avoided. The Greek salads, various fried foods4 and onion rings can usually be approached with confidence.The quality of a civilisation can best be judged by watching its citizens eat cheap food. Chicago is a working-class town, an economically and politically powerful town, and a town with great diversity. The hot dog stand brings all sorts of people together and is experienced differently by all.1Some will call them frankfurters, but this implies that they were made in Frankfurt, Germany. Most hot dogs are not made there and have no claim to the name.2Anyone travelling to Chicago should understand that the word 'restaurant' is used only in the technical sense.3A gyros is a Greek sandwich of slices of pressed lamb, beef or pork served on a pitta with onions, tomatoes and cucumber sauce.4Such as cheese sticks, fish sticks and mushrooms.


Central Park, Cowdenbeath, UK_195

Central Park, Cowdenbeath, UK 3 Conversations Central Park, Cowdenbeath, UKCentral Park, also known as the 'Racewall', is a dual-purpose sports teh north face jackets stadium in Cowdenbeath, a small1 town in Fife, Scotland. The term 'stadium' might in fact appear rather grand for this ground - pictured here - which has a capacity of only 5,268.The two sports which currently take place at Central Park on a regular basis are football and stock car-racing, although greyhound racing has taken place at the venue in the past.The Stadium ItselfCentral Park does not fit the normal image one might have of a sports stadium - three sides of the ground are terraced, although the east and west-end terraces are not particularly popular areas for football spectators to stand, as they are set back quite a way from the pitch.The reason they are set back is the oval racing track that encircles the pitch. A short crash barrier separates the track from the pitch, and a metre-high, thick concrete wall separates the track from the spectators. These obstacles also mean that the front couple of rows in the main stand don't enjoy particularly good views of the pitch, and are thus normally left empty. The football pitch is the smallest in the Scottish League, measuring just 107 yards long and 66 yards wide.The views from the north and south sides of the ground are much better, being nearer to the action2. The south side is a full terrace with a scoreboard at the back, which is used by both the football club and stock car-racing organisers - although obviously in a different way. Under the scoreboard there is a food vendor and toilets built into the same structure.It is, however, on the north side of the ground that most of the facilities are located. When one enters the ground through the turnstiles in the north-east corner of the ground the first thing one sees, if it is a football match, is the programme vendor, selling copies of The Blue Brasilian3 matchday magazine. Behind the vendor, (or indeed the first thing one sees if a football match is not on), is a flight of stone steps leading to the east terrace. By walking around the east terrace, one can access the south and west terraces.If you turn away from the steps, you'll find the cabin containing (depending on the event taking place) either the louis vuitton borse football club shop or the racing memorabilia shop. Walking along the north side of the ground, looking away from the pitch, a large concreted area which resembles a car park can be seen, although this is in fact the pits used for the stock car-racing. Looking the other way, the grandstand is noticeable. This is split into two sections - the 'old grandstand', which is in fact only half of the grandstand from earlier in the ground's history, and seats 1000 in wooden seats, while the 'new stand' seats 500 and features plastic tip-up seats as seen in most newly constructed football stands and stadia.The main stands also contain access to a food vendor, toilets, motor-racing equipment shop and a bar.Cowdenbeath FC, despite being at the unfashionable end of the Scottish League, do own their own ground - although the car park was sold to Fife council for a nominal fee in the early 1990s and is now a public car park. The car park was sold as the club could no longer afford to maintain it and it was described by one fan as 'so full of craters Neil Armstrong wouldn't go near it' before the the north face jackets council took control and resurfaced it.FacilitiesThe major facilities of the ground, as mentioned above, are as follows:North Stand, 'new grandstand': food and drinks vendor, bar.North Stand, 'old grandstand': toilets, racing equipment shop.South terrace, under scoreboard: food and drinks vendor, toiletsNorth-east corner: football club/track shop.4History of Central ParkCentral Park first began hosting football in 1917 and has also hosted various other sporting events over the years - it has most notably become a home of stock car-racing since 1965.Over the years the ground has changed little, the main changes occurring after the fire which destroyed half of the old main stand, and the building of the 'new' main stand, opened in 1993 by then local MP Gordon Brown5.Other changes included the loss of the popular 'Coo Shed'6, a canopy covering the west end terrace. Unfortunately the structure was blown away by a storm in 1983.The ground has had floodlight pylons since 1968. The football club regularly packed over 10,000 people into the ground in the 1920s and 1930s, an era when they were a top division club, and the stock car-racing has seen crowds in excess of 10,000 on isolated occasions. Tougher safety restrictions since the Bradford Stadium disaster canada goose in the 1980s led to a severe restriction in attendance, although even the current capacity of over 5,000 is rarely even approached, as average crowds in the area of 300 to 400 show. Occasionally, a cup game or a big racing meeting will see the borse gucci crowd canada goose boosted to a couple spaccio moncler of thousand.One of the reasons for Central Park becoming a lot more barren place than it used to be is the end of the mining industry in the area. Cowdenbeath was primarily a mining town, and once the mines closed, people either moved away, got jobs which would keep them away from the football, or they couldn't afford to attend sporting events.FootballCentral Park has been home to Cowdenbeath Football Club, since 1917, when the club relocated from their previous home, North End Park. The club remains there to this day, although the days when it could pack 25,000 into the ground are long gone. The 25,586 who attended a 1949 match with Glasgow Rangers is the highest attendance for any sport at the venue. Football is the primary function of the ground, and the presence of other sports is largely due to the football club's need for extra finances - the financial turnover generated by hosting Scottish lower-league football isn't exactly overwhelming. Cowdenbeath are one of just a few Scottish Football League sides still playing in an oval stadium.The club is currently in the Scottish Second Division, although back in the 1920s and 1930s they played at the highest level - they have rarely been back since - playing in the top division briefly in 1939/40 and 1970/71.Stock Car-racingThe oval racing track circling the football pitch is a popular venue for stock car-racing, and other motor sports. Speedway is another sport which has graced the venue. The racing community refer to Central Park as 'the Cowdenbeath Racewall' due to the one metre-high and one metre-thick wall which borders the track.The racewall hosts around four race meetings a month, and is a very popular venue for enthusiasts to attend cheap race meetings in an intimate venue. The bar in the main stand also shows the meetings on a big screen, so that spectators can watch in warmth if the weather is inclement.In 1977, the Racewall hosted the World Stock Car championships, attended by around moncler 15,000 spectators, an attendance rarely bettered by the football club, and never by the Racewall.Miscellaneous UsesIn louis vuitton sac addition to football and stock car-racing, Central Park has played host to greyhound racing, speedway and monster truck rallies. There is also a weekly open-air market held within the confines of the stadium. All these events have really been fund-raising measures for the cash-strapped football club.Transport LinksCentral Park is handily located just off Cowdenbeath High Street, and well signposted from the High Street. It is approximately five minutes' walk Doudoune canada goose from the Cowdenbeath rail station, and there are trains from Edinburgh on a regular basis, making it easily accessible by that route.To get to Central Park by road, leave the A92 at Cowdenbeath, and look out for signs from the High Street. Parking is available in a public car park outside the ground.1Population 12126 in the 1991 census.2As the wall surrounding the stadium is not very high, you quite often see a few heads peering over and watching the game for nothing!3Cowdenbeath FC's nickname is 'the Blue Brazil'.4Same building, they just change the contents5Brown went on to become British Prime Minister between 2007 and 2010.6'Coo' being the local pronunciation of 'cow' and one of the football club's three main nicknames, along with 'the miners' and 'the blue Brazil'